Call for paper: Uncertain consumption practices in an uncertain future

Russell W. Belk (York University, Canada), Luís A. Pessôa (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Vitor M. Lima (York University, Toronto – Canada)

Image: Mauro Lima.

We welcome conceptual and empirical research from marketing scholars, and social scientists broadly speaking, to examine the urgent topic of coping with an uncertain future. To this end, we encourage novel and original contributions to interpretative consumer research (BELK and SOBH, 2019). As a special issue is international in scope. We expect to include critical and innovative studies with the potential to push the boundaries of current knowledge about coping with COVID-19 adversity. We welcome a diversity of contexts, methodologies, and ideas. Thus, in times of uncertainty, we ask:

  • What is the role of possessions, material and immaterial, in helping consumers to reflect on their future identity projects?
  • What is the meaning of conspicuous consumption in a scenario without the gaze of others?
  • How do consumers socially construct and share narratives, memes, videos, and photos in order to cope with uncertainty?
  • How have digital influencers been contributing to alleviating or increasing consumers’ desires?
  • In what ways have technologies provided self-coherence in a fragmented world?
  • To what extent has social isolation influenced the experience of physical and virtual social interactions?
  • How will consumer practices and lifestyles be shaped by a “new social order?”
  • How does imagination provide hope for a better tomorrow and vice-versa?
  • In what ways can policymakers draft future public consumer policies based on this liminal moment?

For author guidelines and submission, please visit the website of the journal and online submission system at:

For further information:

Deadline: March 15th, 2021

Accepted Languages: Articles only in English

Guest Editors: Russell W. Belk (York University, Canada), Luís A. Pessôa (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and Vitor M. Lima (York University, Toronto – Canada)

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Call for paper: Uncertain consumption practices in an uncertain future [online]. SciELO in Perspective: Humanities, 2021 [viewed ]. Available from:


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