What is the prevalence of internet addiction among Brazilian adolescents?

It was observed that 24% and 10% of the students studying at public and private schools, respectively, met criteria for Internet dependence. Additionally 82% of the students attending private schools stated their parents do not set any limits to the use of the Internet. Among those from public schools, this number was 60%. Read More →

The radicality of helplessness for refugee mothers

The challenge faced by researchers in the development of a model for psychological care to African mothers who have recently taken refuge in Brazil exposed not only the need for professional training of the staff but also the lack of hospitality provided by the Brazilian women in an institutional shelter for mothers under social vulnerability conditions. Read More →

What is the ideal number of co-authors in a single article?

BAR – Brazilian Administration Review’s mission is to contribute to a deeper understanding of Business Theory and its managerial implications by means of the international dissemination of theoretical and empirical articles produced by the Brazilian academia as well as by researchers from other countries. Beginning this year, submitted articles should have no more than five authors per article. The editor-in-chief of BAR, Prof. Salomão Farias, makes a few reflections about this topic. Read More →

BAR – Brazilian Administration Review presents interesting discussions within the field of Business Administration

The first edition of BAR – the Brazilian Administration Review – of 2018 addresses themes relevant to the field of business management. Among the highlights are the internationalization process of small to medium-sized Brazilian companies, financial market risks, and brand abandonment, among others. Read More →

Urban desegregation and social inclusion in Spain. The big challenge.

The article “Analysis of the desegregation and social inclusion policies in the Spanish context” published in the journal Revista de Administração Pública (Vol. 52, n. 1, 2018), aimed at the studying the extent to which new slum clearance policies foster favourable attitudes towards social inclusion of the displaced persons, who are mostly Roma in the case of Spain. Read More →

Issues in Epistemology, old and new

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This thematic issue of MANUSCRITO (Vol. 40, No. 4), guest-edited by Rodrigo Borges, brings together both Brazilian and international scholars to discuss contemporary issues in Epistemology. Topics range from the classic problems of the analysis of knowledge and skepticism to more recent issues in the theory of information. Read More →

On impact factor and language of publication

Is there a direct relationship in Brazil between a language of publication and the impact factor on Spell electronic library? The editor-in-chief of BAR – Brazilian Administration, Prof. Salomão Farias, makes a few reflections about this and invites you all to check BAR’s third edition – Volume 14, number 3, 2017. Read More →

Role and parental involvement in the Portuguese secondary school: Challenges and changes

Parents’ role and their involvement in children’s education changes during adolescence and parents consider that establishing rules, monitoring, and parental support are the most challenging roles in adolescent education. Read More →

Is depression different between women and men? Does it influence on its treatment?

Researchers of the University Catholic of Pelotas published recently study where new findings are presented after brief cognitive intervention for improvement of depressive symptoms in young adults with depression. This research was part of a bigger project developed by Health and Behavior Post Graduation Program between 2008 and 2012. The results showing difference in depressive symptoms and possible difference between men and women post cognitive psychotherapy. This results possibly indicate the influence of biological and, mainly, cultural aspects in the expression of depressive symptoms and in their treatment. The present research opens precedent to professional reflection about the methods of treatment to be adopted according to patient’s sex. Read More →

Can we help babies not to feel pain during hospitalization at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit?

According to the World Health Organization, pain is a relevant worldwide problem in the healthcare field. Specifically, in the Neonatology both pharmacological and non-pharmacological management and relief of pain should be included in the clinical practice of health care and development of infants in Neonatal Intensive Care Units. Read More →