Tag: Educação & Sociedade

Expanding boundaries of the education privatization

Through the analysis of extensive physical digitalized documents, researchers identified new dynamics of privatization of education in the largest public-school system in Brazil, showing that, between the years of 2015 and 2018, the governance of education in the State of São Paulo incorporated new actors and the boundaries between public and private sectors were blurred. Read More →

What are the main trends in education privatisation in African countries?

The article aims to compare the differences and the common points in relation to education privatization in 24 African countries considered African fragile and conflict-affected states by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and receive financial support of this fund. The GPE is a relevant actor on the global education policy arena and directly influences national education policies. Read More →

In democracy education is not a privilege

The study discusses Anísio Teixeira’s analysis about the importance of the democratic, public, universal, free, mandatory, and efficient school as a citizen’s right and duty of the State Government. This concept of school and an emancipatory education are conditions for human development and social integration. Read More →

Will there be robot teachers?

Are we prepared for algorithms, facial recognition and surveillance at schools? This study discusses the teaching-learning model considering technological advances in the present and future, questioning the relationships in an intermittently surveilled world. The conclusion drawn is that teachers and students need to resignify their identities, which implies questioning ambivalent relationships that have always characterized them in the context of digital culture. Read More →