BAR’s new issue brings interesting topics to our readers, such as social networks, Brazilian stock market, gender differences, among others

Salomão Alencar de Farias, editor-in-chief, professor at UFPE/PROPAD, Recife, PE, Brazil

The BAR is the international periodical of ANPAD (The Brazilian Academy of Management – and its mission is to contribute to a deeper understanding of Business Theory and its managerial implications by means of the international dissemination of relevant papers in theoretical development and empirical research produced by the Brazilian academia as well as by researchers from other countries.

In the first number of 2017, BAR presents five interesting articles, from various subjects of interest to all readers. The first article, “Ethical decision-making: the role of self-monitoring, future orientation, and social networks” by Ana Carla Bon, Roger James Volkema and Jorge Ferreira da Silva, examines the influence of individual factors on social networking and their relationship with unethical decision-making. The study includes two personality measures: selfmonitoring (Gangestad & Snyder, 2000; Snyder, 1987) – one’s ability to perceive social cues and adapt behaviors to impress others – and temporal perspective (Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999).

The second article, “Networks, R&D projects and subsidiary behavior in a host country”, by Camila Franco, Samuel Façanha Câmara, and Ronaldo Couto Parente, is inspired by Yoruk (2011), who analyzes corporate networking based on knowledge links that implement technological projects. The authors have developed a case study on two electricity subsidiaries located in Brazil belonging to a group that carries out R&D projects in partnership with several organizations in the country and creates research and development networks in their sector.

The third article is “Are country and size risks priced in the Brazilian stock market?”, by Antonio Zoratto Sanvicente, Hsia Hua Sheng, and Luiz Felipe Poli Guanais. Initially, the paper measures and tests the degree of integration for the Brazilian market and does not reject the hypothesis of integration and then it tests directly the relevance of country risk premium in individual stocks’ expected returns in the Brazilian market. Finally, a premium for the size factor, also commonly used by practitioners, is also tested. The inclusion of both a country risk and a size premium, in addition to the market portfolio risk premium, corresponds to the use of the Goldman Sachs model, as proposed by Mariscal and Lee (1993).

The fourth article, “Gender differences and professional identities in health and engineering”, by Adriane Vieira, Alexandre de Pádua Carrieri, Plínio Rafael Reis Monteiro and Fátima Ferreira Roquete, compares the professional identity perceptions among undergraduate students enrolled in predominantly female and male courses, and it confirms that the professional identities include gender-related attributes, leading to the conclusion that health professions remain vulnerable to gender domination relations. The fifth article, “Reverse knowledge transfer in multinational companies: a systematic literature review”, by Clarice Secches Kogut and Renato Cotta de Mello, applies a systematic review over a 15-year period in top tier journals, finding literature gaps to be filled and proposes a theoretical framework that conceptualizes the reverse knowledge transfer as a complex process; offering a detailed view on the phenomenon of reverse knowledge transfer.

I would like to end this presentation by inviting you all to submit your papers to our journal. In BAR, articles are published as soon as they are finished by the evaluation process and it is not necessary to wait for the closing of an edition as it happens in the traditional publication process. In addition, BAR has also speed up its review process. Peer review time is about six months from submission (approved to continue review process) to decision to publish.


GANGESTAD, S. W. and SNUDER, M. (2000). Self-monitoring: appraisal and reappraisal. Psychological Bulletin, 126(4), 530-555.

MARISCAL, J. O. and LEE, R. M. (1993, June 18). The valuation of Mexican stocks: an extension of the capital asset pricing model to emerging markets. New York: Goldman Sachs Investment Research. Availablre from:

Snyder, M. (1987). Public appearances, private realities: the psychology of self-monitoring. New York: Freeman.

YORUK, E. (2011). The influence of technological capabilities on knowledge network component of innovation systems: evidence from advanced materials. International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, 4(4), 330-362.

Zimbardo, P. G., & Boyd, J. N. (1999). Putting time into perspective: a valid, reliable individual differences metric. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77(6), 1271-1288.

To read the articles, access

BAR, Braz. Adm. Rev. vol.14 no.1 Rio de Janeiro  2017

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Brazilian Administration Review- BAR:


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FARIAS, S. L. BAR’s new issue brings interesting topics to our readers, such as social networks, Brazilian stock market, gender differences, among others [online]. SciELO in Perspective: Humanities, 2017 [viewed ]. Available from:


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