Internationalizing our publication – the increase in the number of submissions to the BAR from countries located in different continents

Salomão Alencar de Farias, editor-in-chief, professor at UFPE/PROPAD, Recife, PE, Brazil

In this new issue of BAR, three out of the six published articles are from foreign authors, affiliated to universities in Portugal, Peru, South Africa. We have an author related to Instituto Politecnico de Leiria, two from ESAN-Peru, one from University of Fort Hare in South Africa, and one from the Public Service Management in Tanzania. This shows a growing interest of foreign authors to publish their work on BAR. An effort to attract authors from outside Brazil in its internationalization process, a core value at BAR since its first number, is showing its results. We have been receiving more manuscripts from countries located in different continents, including some from the middle east.

My effort as Editor-in-Chief of BAR is to participate in international conferences and let the world know about BAR. Recently at the ACR Latin America Conference, in Cali, Colombia, where scholars from different parts of the world have attended it, I took some time of personally talking about BAR and inviting some scholars to submit their research results to BAR.  I think this is an effective way to attract new authors to BAR. It is a constant effort and networking really works. For sure, only paper with high quality and that really present something new to our readers are the ones that will help BAR in its internationalization process.

In this second edition, BAR volume 14 number 2, we bring you six interesting articles. The first article “Organizational decline research review: challenges and issues for a future research agenda” by Fernando Antônio Ribeiro Serra, Rosiele Pinto, Luiz Guerrazzi and Manuel Portugal Ferreira, investigates organizational decline that is related to the deterioration of the resource base and performance of an organization for a sustained period of time. A bibliometric study of a sample of 214 articles, and a qualitative study with 41 authors enabling the identification of the most influential works and their conceptual approaches.

The second article “Strategic management in hospitals: tensions between the managerial and Institutional Lens” by Lucilaine Maria Pascuci, Victor Meyer Júnior and João Marcelo Crubellate, deals with how strategic management contributed to reducing tensions derived from managerial and institutional logics in philanthropic hospitals. It is a comparative case study, with a multi-method approach.

The next article “Sociomaterial practices: challenges in developing a virtual business community platform in agriculture” by Norberto Hoppen, Amarolinda da Costa Zanela Klein and Eduardo Henrique Rigoni, explores virtual business communities (VBC). As its main result, this paper reveals the mangling process during the design and application of the VBC platform and details the different instances of tuning between the participants and the technology. We observed resistance and factors that weakened cooperation and resulted in a lack of governance rules, which are key to the success of a VBC platform.

The fourth article “Business-community relationships for extractive industries: a case study in Peru” by Jose Ventura and Kety Jauregui, aimed to understand the relationships between companies in the extractive industries and rural families through case-study method. The relationships are analyzed through the lenses of Carroll’s hierarchical pyramid: economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic relationships (CARROLL, 2003). Finally, findings from both cases are compared and analyzed. The findings show that a trustful relationship is supported by a beneficiary-society approach that builds upon philanthropic and ethical types of relationships. Unlike the type of relationship based on economic or legal interests, a trust-based relationship offers avenues for managing social conflicts that have yet to be explored.

The fifth article “Co-evolution of industry strategies and government policies: the case of the Brazilian automotive industry” by Roberto Gonzalez Duarte and Suzana Braga Rodrigues, examines the evolution of the automotive industry in Brazil and the drivers of this evolution. The study generates new insights in institutional and co-evolution political perspectives by showing that the rules of the game are not only the making of the government, but are also the result of interdependencies between industry and government.

And the final article “Ethical leadership in South Africa and Botswana, by Priviledge Cheteni and Emmanuel S. Shindika” was conducted to investigate the extent of ethical leadership practices in African public utilities, given the relatively high corruption reported in such institutions, with consequences of seriously constrained development of national economies and significant hindrance to good governance. However, it is noteworthy that ethical violations, corruption, and maladministration are not problems specific to African countries only. For example, the Ethics Resource Center (2008, p. 1) conducted a national survey in the United States and found that “57 percent of government employees reported that they had witnessed a violation of ethical standards, policies, or law in their workplace during the previous 12-month period” — of which a third went unreported. Kaptein et al. (2005) point out that these take the form of misquoting hours worked, unfair treatment of workers, sexual harassment, and violations of privacy.

I would like to invite our readers to submit their work to BAR, keeping always in mind that our academic impact has been improving every year, bringing visibility to the knowledge generated in Brazil and abroad.

Enjoy reading and learning!


CARROLL, A. B. The four faces of corporate citizenship. Business and Society Review. 2003, vol. 100, n. 101, p. 1-7. 10.1111/0045-3609.00008

ETHICS RESOURCE CENTER. National government ethics survey: an inside view of public sector ethics, 2008. Available from:

KAPTEIN, M. et al. Demonstrating ethical leadership by measuring ethics: a survey of US public servants. Public Integrity. 2005, v. 7, n. 4, p. 299-311.

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BAR, Braz. Adm. Rev. vol.14 no.2 Rio de Janeiro  2017

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Como citar este post [ISO 690/2010]:

FARIAS, S. A. Internationalizing our publication – the increase in the number of submissions to the BAR from countries located in different continents [online]. SciELO in Perspective: Humanities, 2017 [viewed ]. Available from:


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