Category: Press Release

How do young people experience the democratization of access to higher education?

Map illustrating the Federal District, highlighting the areas where the young interviewees lived. These are 12 administrative regions of the capital, one of the most unequal cities in the country.

Educational expansion, marked by the tension between meritocracy and pragmatism in access to higher education, confronts the aspirations and realities of young people, especially those from working class backgrounds, amid the erosion of traditional notions of career and stability. While some seek any degree as a means of social mobility, others aim for specific careers, trying to adapt in the face of obstacles. Read More →

Pedagogical practices for student retention

Man with short brown hair, wearing rectangular-framed glasses, black suit, and tie, presenting a seminar in a conference room. In the background, a screen displays a slideshow with the text "Active Methodologies in the Classroom".

Professional education has been undergoing transformations, so schools are challenged to re-signify the way they maintain a link with society. Student dropout is one of the major problems faced, and pedagogical practices are aimed at getting students more involved with the institution. Read More →

Collective constructions: open peer review of an article on indigenous literature

Photograph of an indigenous man seen from behind, gazing at the horizon. He is wearing a feather headdress and various adornments on his body. He stands beside a small lake in an open field with diverse vegetation. The sky above is clear and blue.

Open peer review is critical to ensuring the integrity and quality of academic research, enabling greater transparency and collaboration. According to the researchers, the dialogical process between authors and reviewers and the resulting knowledge exchange guaranteed a significant improvement of the research. Read More →

Educação em Revista celebrates 39 years of publishing academic research: interview with the Editor

Autorretrato de Eucidio Pimenta Arruda. En la foto, lleva una chaqueta marrón con la cremallera cerrada hasta cerca del cuello, sobre una camisa azul marino, y gafas graduadas con montura rectangular. Su cabello es negro, corto, y él está sonriendo. El fondo desenfocado muestra algunos árboles.

In an interview, the editor-in-chief of Educação em Revista shares information about the publication’s trajectory since it was founded in 1985, its efforts to remain free and open, and its adaptations to the latest national and international publishing trends. Read More →

Contributions of Educação em Revista for the advance of Open Science in Brazil

Illustration of various individuals providing feedback through different electronic devices, centered around a large smartphone screen displaying ratings and comments.

Since 2021, Educação em Revista has been committed to Open Science. Celebrating its 39th anniversary in 2024, the journal begins the Special Week on the SciELO in Perspective blog | Humanities, bringing discussions about its experience on adopting Open Peer Review and new perspectives towards a more transparent and collaborative science. Read More →

Domestic workers of Honduran origin in the U.S.A: An approximation

Photograph of a person washing dishes, specifically focusing on a fork. In the image, only a part of their body is visible: the hand.

Honduran women residing in the USA, employed in domestic occupations, typically tend to be younger, have access to bank accounts, and maintain lower savings compared to individuals in other occupations. Additionally, they often earn a significantly lower income. These findings underscore the challenges faced by this particular group and emphasize the importance of enhancing their working conditions and rights. Read More →

Enhancing pandemic predictions by measuring daily contacts

Jaboatão City Hall employees distribute new clothes, masks and hygiene kits to homeless people.

The first global SARS-CoV-2 pandemic challenged existing measurement methods for respiratory diseases. While digital technologies were initially touted for real-time monitoring, the key has proven to be careful measurement of daily face-to-face contacts, which is essential for refining mathematical models to assess infection, recovery, and mortality. Read More →

Football student-athletes in Brazil tend to prioritize sports careers

Young people playing soccer on a grass field (society soccer field).

Young athletes in Brazil prioritize their soccer career over their studies. In addition to the conciliation of study routines with training/competitions in soccer clubs, there is a tendency to move to the evening teaching period due to the daily demands of the clubs, which reduces the length of stay in school. Read More →

Race, gender and sexual diversity as a challenge for the intersectional approach in education

Image composed of numerous silhouettes of busts, in various colors, which are superimposed.

Discussing the importance of an intersectional approach to the concepts of race, gender and sexual diversity in articulation with economic and social inequalities in education has become a contemporary agenda. This theoretical orientation has contributed to the deepening of the dialog between educational research and other areas of human sciences and social sciences. Read More →

The concept of inclusion presents practical contradictions and reveals the need to transform spaces

Composition. A drawing made with colored pencils has been cut out in the shape of people. They are holding their hands in a line. Two people are wheelchair users. In the lower part, colored pencils are arranged pointing at the drawing. Solid white background.

The concept of inclusive education aims to highlight the existing gaps in its idea and conception, which had been signified as an organic principle of modernity in terms of the construction of an egalitarian society. Therefore, it denounces the thoughtless acceptance of this contradictory compound through robust historical analysis, pointing to the need for dialectical overcoming of this idea. Read More →