Tag: Trans/form/ação

The most compelling instances of exclusionary reasons are those which Joseph Raz, in essence, overlooked

Photograph of two paper cutouts shaped like human figures, clipped to a string with clothespins and hanging against a blurred green background.

In his works, Joseph Raz neglected a category of exclusionary reasons: those excluded by their very nature. This category not only shows that the concept of exclusionary reasons is not empty or inconsistent, but also plays a crucial role in elucidating a significant moral domain, namely, the domain of affective relationships. Read More →

Eduard Hanslick’s “aesthetics” go into Philosophy of Mind and Epistemology

A grayscale painting depicting the string quartet of the Romantic composer Joseph Joachim performing in a crowded chamber music hall. On stage, the four members (Carl Halir, Emanuel Wirth, Joseph Joachim, Robert Hausmann) are positioned, each with their instrument (two violins, one viola, and one cello), in front of a music stand with scores.

Hanslick, author of “On the Musically Beautiful,” is a prominent figure of Music Autonomy. In opposition to principles of musical signification, he argued that musical meaning lay in the structure and intrinsic elements of the composition. This analysis concludes that his “musical idea” concept is an epistemological formulation; therefore, his “aesthetics” must be interpreted also as a Philosophy of Mind and Epistemology, both strongly influenced by positivism. Read More →

Trans/Form/Ação inaugurates new practices for the evaluation and review of manuscripts and knowledge democratization

Trans/Form/Ação: Philosophy journal of Unesp innovates by inaugurating the comments modality on articles approved for publication. Besides this activity, the journal increases already consolidated practices in order to guarantee the transparency and quality of reviews and approved texts, strengthening the free and universal democratization of knowledge, as “Open Science” advocated principles. Read More →