The metropolis and the environmental question

Pedro Roberto Jacobi, Senior Full Professor, Institute of Energy and Environment, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil

Luciana Travassos, Assistant teacher, Federal University of ABC, Santo André, SP, Brasil

The field of planning, territorial organization and governance has witnessed the exponential growth in the number of research studies, articles, theses and dissertations that not only interact with the environmental issue, but, on the contrary, view the politicization of the relationship between nature and the capitalist production of space as the central locus of their analyses and reflections. Therefore, their point of departure is the premise that society and nature are inseparable and that humankind and nature transform each other, in a constant process of production and reproduction of space.

Large cities, metropolises and macro-regions have tensioned the conflicting relationship between natural resources, capital and the increasing demand for the consumption of their resources, like energy, food and water. The effects can already be felt in different parts of the planet, with the intensification of water shortageperiods, which tend to become more and more frequent in a scenario of climate changes. This movement does not produce crises, conflicts and uncertainties only in large cities or urban spaces, but in the entire complex system of production and reproduction of these natural resources, in rural spaces, and in medium and small cities.

In a dialectical sense, if the process of capitalist production of space has been changing based on a new relationship with the natural resources, practices and reflections in the sphere of planning and governance also require new paradigms, new meanings, new actions and research agendas (CARNEIRO; FREY, 2018), which take into account the current phase of capital territorialization and state rescaling (BRENNER, 2018).  The present issue of Cadernos Metrópole aims to contribute to the construction of the field of praxis and theory in environmental planning and governance from the perspective that does not dissociate the transformation of nature from the production of space in capitalism, that is, from the perspective that does not separate the environmental question from the social question


The editors of this issue are teachers Pedro Roberto Jacobi and Luciana Travassos.

Deadline to send manuscripts: October 30, 2019.

Date posted: May 2020.

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Texts must be submitted through the PUC-SP SEER system.:


BRENNER, N. Espaços da urbanização. O urbano a partir da teoria crítica. Rio de Janeiro: Letra Capital. Observatório das Metrópoles, 2018.

CARNEIRO, J. M. B.; FREY, K. (Org.). Governança multinível e desenvolvimento regional sustentável. São Paulo: Oficina Municipal, 2018.

External link

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The metropolis and the environmental question [online]. SciELO in Perspective: Humanities, 2019 [viewed ]. Available from:


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