Academic journals in the scientific area of Administration: stars or accessory?

How do academic journals monitor and reflect the dynamics of Administration in Brazil? How do these actors position themselves in this space? These questions guide the research, which analyzes the dynamics of the area and reinforces strategies for the scientific contribution of journals Read More →

Profile of Bolsonaro voters reveals Brazilian variant of far-right populism disease

In contrast to a worldwide trend, in 2018 Brazilian elections the largest share of voters for the far right was registered among better-off citizens, not those left behind by economic modernization. This study also shows that, at odds with the conventional perspective expectations, the better educate did not reject authoritarian values or championed for diversity at the ballot boxes. Read More →

New issue of Manuscrito invites us to consider a genuinely dynamic ontology: Process Metaphysics

In order to develop an essentially dynamic ontology and set free from our “substance metaphysics” bias, relational structures must be brought to the forefront of contemporary metaphysical debates. Read More →

About the darkness of science or where do the negative results of the research go?

As a continuation of a series of studies about the unclarity of part of science, research on this theme has been conducted since 2020 to address the developments of e-science, open science, research data management and related issues. A study conducted through an exploratory survey in the scarce literature on the topic investigates the phenomenon of negative results by analyzing the incorporation of these data in the academic publication cycle. Read More →

The heritage of political passions in the families of former union militants

This research deals with the political affections in the family of former union militants from ABC Paulista and the corresponding resonance in the forms of political engagement of their sons. Through biographical interviews, this study shows how the constitution of political feelings unfold in the context of private socialization. Read More →

How to overcome educational inequalities in Brazil: equality or equity?

What would be more appropriate to overcome educational inequalities? An egalitarian treatment for all or a different approach to whom needs the most? It is argued that for Brazil to reach better educational results and a fairer social justice, public officials responsible for education policies should adopt a distinct look at pupils living in areas of higher social vulnerability. Read More →

LinkedIn as a data source to measure the capacity of universities to train professionals

Study uses the information appeared on the social media LinkedIn to measure the hiring of IBEX35 companies by graduates of Spanish universities. Despite the limitations of the use of this tool, the high potential of free-access data for the study of institutions is presented. Read More →

Can employees be a driver for a clean future? A case from petroleum industry

Reflecting the call being made by the United Nation to solve our current climate challenges and reduce our carbon emissions, there is a strong need for large established companies to reshape their agendas and develop clean alternative source of energy. This study discusses the clean shift that is happening in a European oil and gas company and aims to understand the drivers for introducing new clean energy activities outside the company’s boundaries. Read More →

What history tells us about epidemics and the protection of schoolchildren

Studies address the affirmation of nature as a central point in the education, prevention of diseases and leisure of urban populations in the first decades of the twentieth century. The discussions allow us to reflect on the contradictions of outdoor life often being raised as a solution to the evils of urban-industrial society. Read More →

Call for paper: Uncertain consumption practices in an uncertain future

We welcome conceptual and empirical research from marketing scholars, and social scientists broadly speaking, to examine the urgent topic of coping with an uncertain future. To this end, we encourage novel and original contributions to interpretative consumer research (BELK and SOBH, 2019). Read More →