Impact beyond impact factor?

“In theory there is no difference between theory and practice – in practice, there is – Yogi Berra”. The Design Science and Design Science Research could contribute to reducing the apparent gap between theory and practice. All articles aim to bring theory and practice closer by producing scientific knowledge useful to society. Read More →

What is the interference of communication technologies in politics?

Study provides explanations for some of the perplexities that democracies in the world are facing. The U.S.A., the UK, and Brazil, for instance, have opted for leaders (like Trump and Bolsonaro) or political movements (like Brexit) that deny established models of political debate, introduce new vocabularies in politics, and promise to emulate the voice of the “people”. Read More →

Trans/Form/Ação inaugurates new practices for the evaluation and review of manuscripts and knowledge democratization

Trans/Form/Ação: Philosophy journal of Unesp innovates by inaugurating the comments modality on articles approved for publication. Besides this activity, the journal increases already consolidated practices in order to guarantee the transparency and quality of reviews and approved texts, strengthening the free and universal democratization of knowledge, as “Open Science” advocated principles. Read More →

Scientific production in the study of user experience in education: case Web of Science and Scopus

Study analyzes the evolution and general features in scientific production disclosed in Web of Science and Scopus, related to the study of user experience in education through bibliometric indicators. Main results show that more than 80% of the scientific production has been produced in the last five years, under the authorship, academic institutions and publishers from the United States. Read More →

Are there gender differences between the research productivity scholarships of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)?

Research compares, by gender, distribution and scientific output of Brazilian faculty who are active in stricto sensu postgraduationand shows female prevalence in areas such as Humanities and Linguistics, Letters and Arts and male prevalence in Exact and Earth Sciences and Engineering; and gender differences in favor of men on research productivity scholarship. It concludes with a reduction of gender disparities in science. Read More →

School changed, now what?

School changes happen in the students’ lives. How do they deal with the challenges of leaving the known and facing the new? Accompanying children in the transition from elementary school, research revealed that students respond differently to school changes, according to the ecology of the schools of origin and destination. Read More →

Antisocial behavior have an impacting role in life of the children between 6 to 11 years

This study release the importance of the primary prevention and identification of the intervention priorities, focused, especially, on differences between sexes, contexts and population in children in preschool age, between six and eleven years, with antisocial behaviors. In this way, the prevention and intervention focus in an early age will provide the decrease of the delinquents and criminals behaviors in the future. Read More →

Discipline and motivation make difference for self-regulated learning

The study assesses learning strategies adoption by a sample of beginning college students, who formed four different self-regulated learning clusters. As conclusion, only highly regulated students cluster exhibited significantly higher scores for the achievement mastery motivational goal. Read More →

What is the satisfaction with life in long-living elderly from inter-generational domiciles?

The elderly population aged over 80 is the fastest-growing in Brazil and in the world. In the context of domiciles, the family role taken up by the elderly influences their humor and the preservation of functionality. To analyze this and other questions, the study investigated if the living arrangements (living alone, with one or two generations, or three generations) are associated with functional performance variables, satisfaction with life, humor, and social support in long-living elderly residing in the Federal District. Read More →

Seven steps to evaluate usability through eye movement tracking with eye tracking technology

The research presents a set of seven steps as a procedure for evaluating the usability of digital informational environments by using eye tracking technology. Twenty-seven metrics provided by the technology are identified, and relevant usability aspects for the analysis of efficiency and effectiveness are associated with each one. Read More →