Monolingual and multilingual information about the Spanish heritage: the case of Wikipedia

María-Dolores Olivera-Lobo, Full Professor, Departament of Information and Communication, University of Granada, Granada, Spain

Juncal Gutiérrez-Artacho, Assistant Lecturer, Departament of Translation and Interpreting, University of Granada, Granada, Spain

Macarena Amo Valdivieso, Faculty of Documentation and Communication, University of Granada, Granada, Spain

The study sample comprises the buildings and sites, and activities of ethnological interest, of cultural interest of the provinces of Granada and Huelva contained in the Catálogo General del Patrimonio Histórico Andaluz (General Catalogue of Andalusian Historic and Cultural Heritage), which is within the remit of the Education, Culture and Sports Department of the Regional Government of Andalusia The said catalogue is a tool by which it is sought to safeguard the buildings and sites registered therein, as well as to facilitate enquires about and promotion of them. The two provinces chosen of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia have been selected because they have the largest and smallest number, respectively, of buildings and sites of this type of heritage indexed in the catalogue. With the aim of establishing how the information about the sample in represented in Wikipedia, different types of search have been made in the encyclopaedia (OLVERA-LOBO; GUTIÉRREZ-ARTACHO; ROBINSON 2015; OLVERA-LOBO; GUTIÉRREZ-ARTACHO, 2014, 2015). Furthermore, the subject categories used by the encyclopaedia to organise the information have been analysed. Similarly, it has been determined how many of the buildings and sites in the sample have information in various languages, and which of them are translations. The procedure followed is set out below.

After carrying out the searches on Wikipedia for the buildings and sites of historic and cultural interest which constituted the initial sample, and having applied the information selection criteria detailed above, the final sample constituted 971 buildings and sites, amongst which a wide variety of elements was found, ranging from buildings of international popularity to subaquatic spaces unknown to the public at large.

The search for buildings and sites of cultural interest in accordance with the various procedures described above revealed that of the 971:

  • Only 211 (21.73%) of the buildings and sites of the sample were found to be represented in a separate Wikipedia article during the data compilation period.
  • 719 (74.05%) were found to be not represented on Wikipedia during the data compilation period.
  •  41 (04.22%), being the remainder, were deemed to be of uncertain representation. They cannot be included in the represented group as they did not have a separate article, but there was considerable information about them in the article within which they were included.


OLVERA-LOBO, M. D.; GUTIÉRREZ-ARTACHO, J.; ROBINSON, B. El acceso a la información de los sitios web: Una aproximación terminológica al patrimonio. In: PROCEEDINGS OF AIETI7. NUEVOS HORIZONTES EN LOS ESTUDIOS DE TRADUCCIÓN E INTERPRETACIÓN. 2015. Málaga. Proceedings… Málaga: Universidad de Granada, 2015.

OLVERA-LOBO, M. D.; GUTIÉRREZ-ARTACHO, J. Visibilidad y presencia de los bienes inmuebles de Andalucía en la Web 2.0. In: CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE TURISMO Y TECNOLOGÍAS DE LA INFORMACIÓN Y LAS COMUNICACIONES. 10., 2014, Málaga. Anales… Málaga:  Universidad de Málaga, 2014.

OLVERA-LOBO, M. D.; GUTIÉRREZ-ARTACHO, J. El uso de herramientas terminológicas como estrategia para la difusión Web del patrimonio cultural. Humanidades Digitales Hispánicas, Sociedad Internacional. In: CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE INNOVACIÓN, GLOBALIZACIÓN E IMPACTO. 2., 2015. Madrid. Anales… UNED, 2015.

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OLVERA-LOBO, M. D.; GUTIERREZ-ARTACHO, J. and VALDIVIESO, M. A. Wikipedia as a source of monolingual and multilingual information about the Spanish heritage. Transinformação [online]. 2017, vol.29, n.1 pp.5-13, ISSN 2318-088 [viewed 31 July 2017]. DOI: 10.1590/2318-08892017000100002. Available from:

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OLIVEIRA_LOBO, M.G., GUTÍERREZ-ARTACHO, J. and VALDIVIEZO, M. A. Monolingual and multilingual information about the Spanish heritage: the case of Wikipedia [online]. SciELO in Perspective: Humanities, 2017 [viewed ]. Available from:


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