Category: Rac

Can employees be a driver for a clean future? A case from petroleum industry

Reflecting the call being made by the United Nation to solve our current climate challenges and reduce our carbon emissions, there is a strong need for large established companies to reshape their agendas and develop clean alternative source of energy. This study discusses the clean shift that is happening in a European oil and gas company and aims to understand the drivers for introducing new clean energy activities outside the company’s boundaries. Read More →

Call for papers: Special Issue on “Nudging and Choice Architecture” – Journal of Contemporary Administration

Authors are invited to submit papers for this special call on ‘Nudging and Choice Architecture’ until 15th January 2021.
In this special call for papers, we aim to see how insights from behavioral science can help researchers and policymakers to understand the potential of choice architecture and nudging to respond to various challenges in management. For this special issue, we welcome submissions of all areas of management that address nudging or choice architecture. Read More →

Business models at the crossroad of responsible innovation, sustainability and resilience

Do we know enough about how to organize for the grand challenges and sweeping challenges we are facing? Until now, business researchers have been following the practitioners, understanding and exploring their world. However, practitioners do not always have the luxury of lifting their heads and understanding how to contribute to the world on a higher scale. Here, business researchers can bring their knowledge together to advice of new and exciting models of creating value for different kinds of stakeholders. Read More →