Category: Video

The concept of inclusion presents practical contradictions and reveals the need to transform spaces

Composition. A drawing made with colored pencils has been cut out in the shape of people. They are holding their hands in a line. Two people are wheelchair users. In the lower part, colored pencils are arranged pointing at the drawing. Solid white background.

The concept of inclusive education aims to highlight the existing gaps in its idea and conception, which had been signified as an organic principle of modernity in terms of the construction of an egalitarian society. Therefore, it denounces the thoughtless acceptance of this contradictory compound through robust historical analysis, pointing to the need for dialectical overcoming of this idea. Read More →

A shattered organisational culture or the effects of temporality within the school context

An hourglass with falling sand (most of the sand is at the bottom). In the background is a blurred photo of a classroom. You can see the room clearly through the glass of the hourglass.

Within the context of the culture of school organizations in Portugal, the effects of the New Public Management and the digitalization of education on the development of fragmented forms of culture were enhanced by the increased individualism, adherence to instrumental logics of action, and a diminished sense of belonging to the organization. Read More →

The unsaid about “eadization” in Higher Education

Square Photo. Painting of a person looking straight ahead with index and middle fingers together over closed lips. The person has been painted in a light brown tone, with strong shadows and lighting. The eyes are almost closed. There is not much detail. Only the face and the hand appear. Around it, a very light brown almost yellow circle. The rest of the image is a very light green textured background. The image appears to be old.

It is understood that the Brazilian Higher Education concept of “eadization” is recent and must be monitored so that its identity and function are not lost. It is possible to observe that the flexibility given by the insertion of a percentage (up to 40%) in the workload of face-to-face higher education courses dedicated to Distance Education supports a process of reconfiguration from the symbiosis. Read More →

No to the militarization of management in public school

Bolsonaro talking to students and teachers in the gymnasium of a military school

The Nacional Program of Civic-Military Schools implemented by the Bolsonaro government in 2019, prescribes an authoritarian proposal for education and threatens our democracy. This study analyzed the conservative demands articulated in this Program and the reasons why the molds of the military schools have been praised as a solution to educational problems. Read More →

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and a psychodramatic experience

Photo. Light gray background, two forearms of a child with hands wide open and palms facing forward. Their skin is white and their hands are painted with colored paint (yellow, red, orange, pink, green, brown), each with two eyes and a smile drawn with black paint. You can also see the top of the child's head, they have short black hair.

When we discuss Autism Spectrum Disorder, it’s necessary to understand the uniqueness of each individual and apply therapies that best meet the needs of each one. Therefore, this research addresses a psychodramatic-based clinical case with a child within ASD and shows the importance of dialogue on the subject to reach better development conditions, and advances in the production of knowledge in the area. Read More →

The lack of solidarity and human helplessness in the perverse neoliberal logic

Moses by Michelangelo. Marble statue of a seated man with long beard and serious look, a tablet in one arm. Behind a wall with many details in high relief.

It is supported by the philosophy of education and psychoanalysis the hypothesis that neoliberal rationality needs somebody’s deletion to carry out its perverse project and install a system of relationships based on indifference. As a counterpoint, Freud’s ethics is demanded, and supported by the other’s inclusion, a central experience in human development. Read More →

Yes, algorithms do educate!

In the control society, computing machines form people. By means of algorithms, laptops and smartphones induce Internet users into certain behaviors. Their aim is to make them impulsive, dispersed and, above all, separated into groups. Thus, the control society reveals a powerful capacity to anticipate and create desire. Read More →

How will the work of teachers be carried out after the COVID-19 pandemic?

The study draws attention to the need for profound changes in education and pedagogical work. After the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers will be more important than ever, but the teaching profession will face unprecedented challenges in its history. Read More →

Researching practices in literacies across languages and social domains: International Perspectives

The article introduces a thematic issue which brings together researchers from different countries who are interested in literacy processes and practices developed in and through various languages and social domains. The multiple research perspectives approached add new insights into ways of studying the multi-faceted, dynamic, complex, and discursive nature of literacy practices. Read More →

Linguistic Citizenship in action: struggling for rights in the Global South

Voices and agencies of transgressive bodies that question the logic of modern and colonial human flesh out linguistic citizenship, an interesting new concept to think about ways of surviving, resisting and re-existing in the Global South. Read More →