Category: Video

What is the satisfaction with life in long-living elderly from inter-generational domiciles?

The elderly population aged over 80 is the fastest-growing in Brazil and in the world. In the context of domiciles, the family role taken up by the elderly influences their humor and the preservation of functionality. To analyze this and other questions, the study investigated if the living arrangements (living alone, with one or two generations, or three generations) are associated with functional performance variables, satisfaction with life, humor, and social support in long-living elderly residing in the Federal District. Read More →

Online attention to science: who are researching it in Brazil?

We increasingly use the internet and social media networks, including to talk about science. In the last ten years, researching the online attention of scientific articles has become a field, but who has been doing this in Brazil? Rummaging through the Lattes curriculum, we discover from the areas that have been devoted to this to the topics being addressed. Read More →

History, memory, and the past in management and organization studies

Focusing on the historic turn, RAE presents the new call for papers in Organizational Studies that aims to explore important aspects of history, memory and past in the management of organizations and their legacy to the contemporary. Read More →

Challenges in peer review of scientific articles on Administration in Brazil

Sharing their experiences as authors, reviewers and editors of scientific journals, Sandro Cabral and Marcelo de Souza Bispo reflect on the challenges of the article evaluation process, criticize the current system that favors productivism, overloading the reviewers, and draws attention on the need to train good reviewers in PhD courses in Brazil. Read More →

The future of RBEP and the field of Arts in Brazil

What is the role of the Brazilian Journal on Presence Studies as a vehicle to divulge arts research in Brazil? What to expect for the future? What are the plans? And, at last, how the Arts area sees the journal in its mission to disseminate knowledge production? Read More →

How to disseminate scientific research in Performing Arts?

The history of art journals in Brazil is recent. This indicates the size of the challenges for quality publishing. How to publish without perishing? What does the publication of scientific output in performing arts mean? How can challenges and difficulties be faced as solutions? These are recurrent issues for journals in search of excellence. Read More →

Decolonial research methodologies on scenic arts

What search methodologies for which objects? The central issue of this article is to know, based on the idea that the methodologies we have come from a colonial matrix, how to create decolonial methodologies for non-colonial objects. How performance gets into this equation? Read More →

Dance, performance and gender

Gender is a fundamental category in art research in the contemporary world. In the same way, it is a founding element of decolonial concerns. This research will question the gender category within the performance and its crossings as an element for the deconstruction of a colonial thought. Read More →

The challenges of an arts journal in the Anglophone world

What are the challenges for a Latin American arts journal in the English-speaking world? How to compete with large publishing corporations? How to keep publishing in open access? How to ensure the quality on disseminating foreign and Brazilian research? Read More →

What can an art journal in terms of internationalization?

How can a journal serve as an element of exchange between foreign researchers? How does the Brazilian Journal on Presence Studies echoes in the world? How to imagine the journal’s future in the area from a Latin American and plural look? Read More →