Perception of professors regarding the transition to emergency remote teaching in a large public university in Mexico during the pandemic

Picture of a student with a laptop

We present the results of a follow up questionnaire to a non-random sample of 513 teachers from the largest public university in Mexico. The purpose was to delve on issues identified in a questionnaire applied at the start of the pandemic, to identify and describe the opinions, experiences, characteristics and conditions in which higher education teachers transitioned to remote teaching. Read More →

Conflicting voices: speaking and keeping silent

Cover of the book Retrato Calado by Luiz Roberto Salinas Fortes published by Editora Unesp.

Is speaking or being silent a choice? Faced with the multiplicity of spoken and silent voices in our world, the “experience of language” in a period of political repression, as shown in the work Retrato calado [Silenced Portrait], by Salinas Fortes, is the starting point to reflect on the limits between the duty of speaking/writing and witnessing. Read More →

Time use and food insecurity in female-headed households in Brazil

Food insecurity is mostly observed in female headed households in Brazil. Based on the assumptions of the feminization of poverty and in light of Feminist Economics theory, it is observed that households headed by women tend to be in a greater situation of vulnerability, although they allocate food resources better. Read More →

The lack of solidarity and human helplessness in the perverse neoliberal logic

Moses by Michelangelo. Marble statue of a seated man with long beard and serious look, a tablet in one arm. Behind a wall with many details in high relief.

It is supported by the philosophy of education and psychoanalysis the hypothesis that neoliberal rationality needs somebody’s deletion to carry out its perverse project and install a system of relationships based on indifference. As a counterpoint, Freud’s ethics is demanded, and supported by the other’s inclusion, a central experience in human development. Read More →

Yes, algorithms do educate!

In the control society, computing machines form people. By means of algorithms, laptops and smartphones induce Internet users into certain behaviors. Their aim is to make them impulsive, dispersed and, above all, separated into groups. Thus, the control society reveals a powerful capacity to anticipate and create desire. Read More →

Online psychodrama: a new stage for post-pandemic challenges

How the multidimensionality provided by the virtual environment expands the horizons of psychodrama by overcoming the physical barriers of the “here and now”, allowing the reality of each individual acting on the digital stage to interfere in the protagonist’s work in a beneficial way, opening space to deepen the therapeutic experience. Read More →

Where there is urban violence, is there also school violence?

Different social classes don’t experience violence in urban spaces the same way – the wealthier tend to feel fewer effects of it. Discussions about school violence in teacher-education courses can contribute to improving conditions of socially vulnerable students. Read More →

Open Science: Sharing and transparency in research popularization

Although the concept of “open science” has been circulating a lot in the academic area, it has not always been well understood or accepted. Would it be open access to scientific articles? A democratic science, for all? On adhering to the procedures of open science, Bakhtiniana opens up new dialog possibilities between science and society. Read More →

Affirmative Action decolonizes education and re-educates Brazil

Black and white photo. Center: a person in a black tshirt and afro hair.

Affirmative action to promote racial equality represents the greatest inflection in Brazilian society in the last 20 years. The subjects of affirmative action bring with them other knowledges, worldviews, and cultures, unveiling historical colonial patterns of knowledge and power. In this process, society, politics, and the State have been re-educated. Read More →

Paulo Freire and the education of working people

In the centennial year of Paulo Freire, this research presents encounters and re-encounters with the Freirean referential, by reflecting on experiences of several educational practices with working people, initially experienced in popular movements and which reach the public school. As one of the results, the meanings produced by these practices, or rather, by taking them back as educational praxis, it was possible to perceive the path of re-signification of the struggle for youth and adult literacy, which was reconstituted as the defense of public schooling for workers. Read More →